Stop Street Harassment
How many times have you been catcalled? Wolf-whistled? Followed? Assaulted in public? Street harassment is part of a spectrum of gender-based violence that makes public spaces considerably less safe for women and minorities, especially those with disabilities, trans and LGBTQIAA+ folk, and religious and ethnic minorities. Stop Street Harassment is dedicated to collecting robust data on sexual harassment, sharing stories, supporting local groups to change gendered norms, and provides the only street harassment support hotline. Learn more here and support them here.
Curamericas Global
A vast majority of maternal deaths are entirely preventable. Curamericas hopes to eliminate maternal and child deaths by providing safe birthing centers, nutritional support, and more. They are rigorously evidence-based and dedicated to projects that are ultimately self-sustaining and community-driven – the white savior complex prevalent in so many international development orgs doesn’t fly here. Learn more about their work here, and consider joining or donating to their big annual fundraiser, a “Mom-A-Thon” that requires no actual running but is a “race to save lives.”
Your alma mater’s survivor support and/or GBV prevention center
The landscape of gender-based violence resources and support on university campuses has changed drastically over the past ten years, and with MeToo, Devos’ proposed hacking of Title IX, and general budget cuts in education your university’s center could probably use some support. Consider donating time or money, or if you feel strongly about the matter use your clout as an alumnus to write a letter to the school’s newspaper or contact campus administrators explaining why supporting survivors and prevention efforts is so important to you. My University of Mary Washington fam can support the Center for Prevention and Education on Giving Day here, while #MasonNation can learn more about the Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC) here. A quick search of your uni’s website should provide you with details for your particular college; if not, that’s another issue to raise with campus leaders!
One Love Foundation
Prevention and education materials for students tends to be a bit dated…or condescending…or just hard to relate to. The One Love Foundation is dedicated to producing high-quality, relevant, and FREE materials aimed at promoting healthy relationships among college students. Having worked with them in the past, I really can’t say enough about them. They also support One Love Clubs on college campuses across the nation, which seek especially to involve college athletes in relationship education. Learn all about them here.
The Abortion Access Front
Abortion AF (formerly Lady Parts Justice League) describes themselves as “Habitat for Humanity for Abortion Clinics” – basically, they visit clinics around the country volunteering time to spruce up centers and basically make sure the employees, volunteers, and patients feel loved. They also provide daily updates about reproductive health issues and host pretty awesome events like comedy shows to raise money for reproductive health access. Donate here, volunteer here, join the newsletter here, and learn more about them here.